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Total 112 Doctors Association Page No. 6 Medical Associations in Database are listed in DrData Directory

Name of Organisation Category State City Profile
Indian Society for Surgery for the Hand Doctors Association TAMIL NADU COIMBATORE
Indian Society for the Study of Pain (ISSP) Doctors Association TELANGANA HYDERABAD
Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery Doctors Association HARYANA HISAR
Indian Society of Aerospace Medicine Doctors Association DELHI NEW DELHI
Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (ISA) Doctors Association KERALA KASARAGOD
Indian Society of Cleft Lip, Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies (ISCLPCA) Doctors Association UTTAR PRADESH VARANASI
Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine Doctors Association MAHARASHTRA MUMBAI
Indian Society of Hematology & Blood Transfusion Doctors Association DELHI NEW DELHI
Indian Society of Nephrology Doctors Association UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW
Indian Society of Neuroradiology Doctors Association DELHI NEW DELHI
Indian Society of Oral Implantologists Doctors Association MAHARASHTRA MUMBAI
Indian Society of Otology (ISO) Doctors Association TAMIL NADU CHENNAI
Indian Society of Pedodontic & Preventive Dentisty Doctors Association MADHYA PRADESH BHOPAL
Indian Society of Periodontology Doctors Association RAJASTHAN UDAIPUR
Indian Society of Renal and Transplantation Pathology (ISRTP) Doctors Association UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW
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