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Total 0 Acupressure Specialists in Satna Madhya Pradesh are listed in DrData Directory

Acupressure is a therapy developed in Asia over 5000 years ago as an important aspect of Chinese, medicine. It uses precise finger placement and pressure over specific points along the body. These points follow specific meridians, which are used in acupuncture. According to Asian medical philosophy, activation of these points with pressure (or needles) can improve blood flow, release tension, and enhance or unblock life-energy, known in China as "qi" or in the English-speaking world as "chi." This release allows energy to flow more freely through the meridians, promoting relaxation, healing and the restoration of proper function.

List of Acupressure Specialists in your city is now available online on DrData (Indian Medical Directory) where you can find contact number, email id and other important information of a Acupressure Specialist with Reviews and Ratings, Clinic OPD Timings, OPD Fees and the services they are offering you for diagnosis and treatment in the field of Acupressure.

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